To coincide with the Fun Economics month on Development Roast, we have drawn inspiration from WhyDev‘s list of 52 Reasons Why You Should Date an Aid Worker and On Motherhood and Insanity‘s 52 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Date Aid and thought long and hard about reasons why dating an economist would be a bad idea. Here are our best 21 thoughts on the matter:
1. Economists may be dangerous. Watch out for the invisible hands!
2. It won’t matter what you supply, they will always demand more.
3. They consider selfish behavior the most natural thing in the world.
4. They prefer doing it with models and dummies.
5. Economists habitually deflate everything.
6. They like their love lives like they like their markets: free and open.
7. On average they are pretty mean.
8. And definitely too trendy.
9. They will never be happy with you as you are, they will always want you to grow.
10. They require a lot of stimulus in order to expand.
11. They will spend their lives trying to predict your behavior.
12. They consider you perfectly substitutable.
13. They’ll only like you if you have plenty of elasticity.
14. They will always think that there is an acceptable level of unemployment.
15. As soon as you are happy in the relationship they’ll burst your bubble.
16. They’ll only be into you if you have plenty of boom and bust.
17. They’ll never say “I Love you” only that “You optimise my utility”.
18. They will rate your kids’ advancement into a Human Development Index.
19. They will establish very clear household property rights to avoid the tragedy of the commons.
20. If you ever get depressed, they’ll lower their interest rate to zero.
21. They might collect a stratified household survey of family and friends, run regression and cluster analyses and check for heteroskedasticity before deciding to commit to you. (On the plus side you might get to see what your love looks like as a formula).
Do you know of other great reasons to stay away from economists on a romantic level? Leave a reply below.
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They always think supply- demand makes you a couple. Exegenous conditions can create another equilibrium and a new couple..)))
All their relationships reach Diminishing Returns… and all Marginal 🙂
a male economist can never find a date, there are so many missing women 🙂
Love making is all about binding constraints.
They like to optimize at all costs.
Average cost pricing means that they like to share the restaurant bill and order the most expensive things on the menu.
I’m an economist and this is AMAZING!! Loved it. Best i’ve read in a while
They quantify “everything”, more is always”better”
They assume you are rational consumers
My economist boyfriend never offers to pay the check. I wonder if it’s a “job deformation” or not.
As beauty is a depreciating asset (i.e. beauty is generally lost with youth), economists are better off leasing it (dating) than buying it (marriage).
They will always have someone beside(as a control group)
I have an additional one: Economists usually have control groups to see how best you are. They usually have some1 beside lol
Economists usually have control groups to see how best you are. They usually have some1 beside lol
Re-posted to Educated Indian blog”
They describe themselves like this:
Economists are forever forward looking in their behavior. As a result, their expectations jump in anticipation of any type of commitment (e.g policy or relationship commitment)
They are never real they always assume and assume.
it seems right. I can see that the only thing is maybe only economist date a economist
This what I was thinking!
They are constantly looking for efficiency gains in love making.
We consider all our past relationships as sunk cost
They hold everything else constant!
You will never get the Keynes (sic). to their heart
Another one: They always use two hands! (on the other hand)
You may add : they believe in applying the “augmented dicky fuller” method… 🙂
check this
They accept “dismal” as an occupational choice.
It seems there’s some misunderstanding here, so let’s get one things straight – economists do it with models, econometricians do it with dummies.
Good point, well made, thank you Kaloyan
They are like TV anchors. You wouldn’t know whether they should be hauled up or just dropped.
I have an additional one: They first search for an interior solution.
They will expend half of the time modeling your life and later trying to explain why it did not worked out
I have an additional one: Economists believe on the randomized women theorem.
economists are the meters of living and pass keys of humanity and nature!!!
they make you worse but make someone else better off.