Cartoon Economics: Will the world end or will the free market save it?

This month, for our Monday graphics series, Development Roast has teamed up with FSG Books and University of Washington Professor of Economics, the world’s first and only stand-up economist, Yoram Bauman to bring you a sneak peek into the second volume of his book The Cartoon Introduction to EconomicsLearning should be fun, so for five weeks during October, to coincide with INESAD’s Fun Economics Month, Development Roast will share one of the fascinating and fun cartoons from Volume Two: Macroeconomics. Today’s cartoon pitches the economic optimists versus the pessimists in the ultimate fate of the planet.

The Cartoon Introduction to Economics: Volume Two: Macroeconomics (p.183-4) 

Do you know of any other economics, sustainability or international development books that try to make learning fun and engaging? Leave a reply below.

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