Bolivia Climate Change Monthly: June, 2013

Welcome to the June 2013 edition of Bolivia Climate Change Monthly where you will find the latest research, policy and news related to climate change in Bolivia*.

Academic Research Bolivia Climate Change

The vulnerable Amazon: The impact of climate change on the untapped potential of hydropower systems by R. Shaeffer, A. Szklo, A. Frossard Pereira De Lucena; R. Soria, and M. Chavez-Rodriguez, published in Power and Energy Magazine.

Framing climate change and indigenous peoples: Intermediaries of urgency, spirituality and de-nationalization, by A. Roosvall and M. Tegelberg published in International Communication Gazette.

An International Network on Climate Change Impacts on Small Farmers in the Tropical Andes – Global Conventions from a Local Perspective by Andre Lindner and Jürgen Pretzsch, published in Sustainable Agriculture Research.**

Blogs Bolivia Climate Change Monthly

Changing temperatures and water shortages: Why Bolivian farmers need more than prayers on Aymara New Year, Development Roast, Institute for Advanced Development Studies (INESAD), June 21, 2013.

Making ASAP [Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme] fit in Bolivia: The role of knowledge managementUnited Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), June 04, 2013.

Taller RAMBO: Importante experiencia práctica, Boletín Consorcio, The Emergency Capacity Building (ECB) Project, June, 2013.

Media Coverage Bolivia Climate Change Monthly

In Bolivia, the impact of deforestation can be greater than Climate Change, Blue Channel 24, June 25, 2013.

How to destroy the future, by Noam Chomsky, The Guardian, June 04, 2013.

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* This bulletin is intended for scientists, practitioners and others who are interested in climate change issues in Bolivia. Every care is taken to include all the relevant works published in the previous month, however, should you be aware of any research that has been accidentally overlooked, please email a link to

** This paper was officially published in May 2013, but is included in the June issue of BCC Monthly as it was not included in last month’s edition.

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