Many economic mechanisms have been put forward to try to better manage natural resources. The UN Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (UN-REDD), for example, aims to put a financial value on the carbon stored in rainforests and incentivise developing countries to maintain them. Other systems in place give tax credits and other incentives to businesses for becoming more sustainable, but how ready are they to count their own carbon emissions? This is the question that Epicor asked in a survey of almost 1,000 companies from across the world earlier this year. The result? An inforgraphic that reveals fascinating facts like 58 percent of businesses had never even heard of carbon accounting:
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Learn more interesting facts from Development Roast’s own infographics: How Much Water Do You Eat?, Cows, Showers and Burgers: Encouraging Diet-Based Water Conservation, Dropping The Water Burger Bomb, and The Power of Education: An Alternative Evolution of Man.
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